Wednesday, January 13, 2016


Hey guys, 

       If you are reading this right now , chances are that you have found something really amazing that you most likely did not know you were missing lol. I am just going to give a brief intro of my self and what this blog is all about and the rest , we will learn as time goes on.
    I am Pamela , 21 years old , an aspiring medical doctor and poet (i know i cant explain it either ) . Moving on, this blog is something i have wanted to do for the longest time but I was kind of a chicken. I was scared of the judgement, criticism ,and pretty much everything that comes with, well... life . That was in the past though, because somethings need to be said and somethings need to be heard and well, i have picked up my pen.
 Purple notes is just my own little way of reaching out to young people out there who have lost their Purpose , Passion, Priorities, Principles ... ( LOL i love the letter P)''How do you plan on doing that Pamela ?'' some might wonder , well I m glad you asked.
 I hope to broaden minds, get us to ask ourselves those questions that we all know are there but are to scared to ask , perhaps because we are afraid of the answers or  afraid of the change the truth might hold.Through the art of poetry, word play, or simply just sharing my stories I hope I can help someone find that courage to ask. 
I will be more than happy to read your feedbacks, thoughts ,answer any questions, or share any similar experiences... 

With all my love,


  1. I'm proud of u Pamela.Do keep it up.Keep moving up.You're on the right track.

  2. Brave move! As time goes on I hope ur able to gather all this intentions and motive towards having it make some paper still...��

  3. Great job hun!🙌🏻😍. By the way I like Poems and I will be visiting your blog from time to time... Keep it up🙌🏻!

    1. You are always welcome! Promise to keep u coming back
