Friday, January 15, 2016


                                   SOMEBODY LIED.                         

Sometime, somehow,
someone spat out,
bitterness in words,
and it really hurt.
Over, and over
cutting deeper,
than mere flesh.
It might have been a joke,
or a result of mixed emotions,
but there were repercussions.
breaking out into a chain
 of uncontrollable reactions.

Lies upon lies,
stacked up in piles,
you are good for nothing,
you are a looser,
you can never make it,
you are just like your father...

Somebody lied ,
and you believed,
giving them power,
to end your life
while you still live.

Somebody called you worthless,
and you gave up the fight,
stopped believing in your talent ,
forgetting Him,
who watched over you,
and never slept.
forgetting Him, in whose image
you were created.

Somebody foolishly spoke,
without any atom of  knowledge
of the effects,
that their bitterness would evoke,
a ripple of events,
one crashing into another,
and because of one lie,
hope died.

You need to know,
how far your words could go.
So when next you speak ,
let it bring forth truth,
and truth at its peak.
render someone the empowerment,
that you seek.

Don't lie to another,
because of the lies you were told,
find strength and reach deeper,
for there is someone up there,
whose hands holds,
the greatest truth,
and on him alone
you can always depend
for all the truth you need,
to do yourself that greatest kindness,
of letting go...

Let go of the lies,
and judgement,
and what more?
You must forgive.
Take back your life,
from the scorching tracks
of depression and resentment,
Choose the truth and choose to live,
for that in itself,
is the greatest revenge.

Somebody lied,
said you are not beautiful
but I take  one glance at you,
and I see the crudest of truths.
I see the beauty in your eyes,
and the scars, left behind,
by piercing , hurtful words
unworthy of being heard.

you must understand ,
that they only speak
out of their own ignorance.
The lies they tell,
speaks less of you,
and volumes ,
 of the hell
they have to live,
behind closed doors .
in their cold and lonely worlds,
nursing their open sores.

So when next somebody lies,
look at them,
flash a smile;
because who you are,
is everything they are not.
what you got,
is what they want,
Don't blame them,
its not their fault.

People's words, thoughts and opinions shouldn't define you. I have lived in that web for the longest time , a prisoner to my own fear, of what people would say or how they would laugh at me or my ideas... but i have come to learn that those who laugh and say those nasty things only do it because they  also are  scared and too weak to pursue what they want, they take the easier route, which is to not move and they want company. It doesn't matter how well they know you, it could be your best friend , teacher, sibling , hell even your own mother or father ... it really doesn't matter. In your own personal journey to success all you really need is YOU!

please like, join the circle, leave a comment ,and you can even send me a personal message if you want to discretely share something. i would love to hear from you..

with all my love,



  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. This piece is so inspiring.... I can relate to this and i'm sure so many other readers can.... Keep it up ! Lovely piece✊��

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. "render someone the empowerment,
    that you seek."
    Great words. The sky is just your starting point I bet dear. Kudos

    1. Thanks for those encouraging words! I appreciate

  6. Wow this one is deep! Such honesty!

  7. I'm not ashamed to say that this actually brought tears to my eyes...

    1. miss tee , your comments are bringing tears to mine! thanks for your support and kind wors. stay tuned for more ..

    2. Beauty comes from only the Beautiful
      Your piece of art is a Beauty cos u are Beautiful yourself
      It is a reflection of the purity of your soul as Like can only beget Like- Good tree, Good fruit.
      Am proud of you! Let the Sweetness of Pamela invade her generation. The world is in dire need of it.
      May the Lord give u d eyes to see what others can't so that u can write what others dont and therefore be Who they can't- The Sweetness the world needs.
      Poetry is d language of d inspired. Stay inspired!

    3. Wow! Im so grateful im so honored by this

  8. Beautiful post and more chilling to read #NeverBoring

  9. Very rich, rich! every verse is quotable.
