Sunday, January 31, 2016



The world ;
 tried to shake me,
and make me who i am not,
they tried to steal my identity,
and by my own strength,
I fought and I lost.

They  defined me ,
with  petty words
                                                              told me who they thought I was,
and who I should be
and I succumbed 
to their will
A king,
bent to my knees,
while life adjourned, not withstanding 

They stripped me ,
with eyes,like sharp edged glass
every glance,
piercing through my very covering...

They took my faith,
and turned it to uncertainty
and when the wind came
I found my self swaying
from side to side,
with no sense of direction
trying to fit in,
where I  clearly didn't belong
when the storm did come,
I had no place to hide..
because like the titanic,
I let the words in,
inevitably i did sink.

I stumbled and fell,
a million times over,
with every cell 
of my being, 
starting to give in...

Deeply rooted,
but  my branches and leaves,
while swaying to the rhythm of the winds,
stayed in doubt , of things unseen..
Till He showed me peace ,
with Every spoken word,
every chapter, every verse ,
pulled me deeper and deeper,
nourishing my very essence ... 

Soul, body and mind,
all surrendered,
to One so kind ,
in whom i'm delivered.

Deeply rooted,
in my Fortress,
in whose presence,
I find my purpose...

Ever grateful ,
for roots so deep,
turning everything shameful,
to beauty, unthinkable, 
divinely nourished and evergreen..

  Ever seen a plant without roots? It cannot stand, therefore can't be nourished and consequently, it withers and dies.
  You have the privilege of  choosing your roots,and  designing your own foundation. Whether you build on sinking sand or on the solid rock, is a choice only you can make.If a house standing perfectly just one day falls to the ground , i am no architect but i am pretty sure the foundation is not right,like wise If your life is not going in the direction you may have envisioned it i am pretty sure that you need to re evaluate your roots Because if you are not deeply rooted in something, if your house is not well founded on solid rock , the wind will come, and the storm will follow, and people won't help you then I can promise you that. Where better to be rooted than in something supreme and everlasting?

with all my love,


  1. Your wise word melt my heart... you're Amazing dearie. God bless you for these wise write up. Huggss

  2. It's amazing to see how Pamela crafts her words. So much depth...this is definitely worth reading again.

  3. I like it. Makes a lot of sense ��

  4. Hmmm word.... Lovely...This is beautiful... Thanks for sharing

  5. Hmmm word.... Lovely...This is beautiful... Thanks for sharing

  6. Haaaaaaaa best quote Ever seen a plant stand without a root -- Explains alot , if u know u know ✌🏽️

  7. There is so much dept and insight in your words. Proud of you Pamela, and i thank God for what He has done in your life and where He is taking you. Keep the fire burning dear.

  8. There is so much dept and insight in your words. Proud of you Pamela, and i thank God for what He has done in your life and where He is taking you. Keep the fire burning dear.

  9. Oya...Nobel laureate loading 😊

  10. I see u going places. I see you touching thousands of lifes.You're one of this generation's best.
