Wednesday, January 20, 2016

old school love

Old school love

I crave love, of a certain kind
ancient and true
unfathomable by the human mind
unlike anything we are used to...

A love so immaculate
still in black and white
so hard to infiltrate
with the darkening colors of today's light.

I desire a feeling
in its crudest form
where there is nothing worth concealing
and mutual respect is a norm.

Love likened to the time of our fathers,
legal and bold...
where i would know how much i matter,
without being told.

Love of the responsible kind
not the trash the media preaches...
founded on irrelevance but attractive to the eyes
turning young queens , into bad bitches.

What we call love in this time,
is anything but...
unjustly abused and refined...
claiming everything its not.

I don't want to have to hide
behind the shadows of evolution..
I want a love that is mine 
to have without any conditions.

Give me that old school love
unsaturated , concentrated...
virgin and pure...
unclothed ..not ashamed to be naked.

I need a love so timeless,
existing over generations..
so pure and colorless
leaving the fountains
 wallowing in the self  degradation.

Love that is unafraid 
to worship every inch of my body,
from years into decades,
only its thought would leave me yearning...

I crave a love so bright, 
the sun would be jealous 
the kind that treats me with respect
sees me for who i am,
not just a cheap excuse for sex
as real as the lines on my palms.

Love that fears no sacrifice,
love that is Christ in the soul
ever ready to compromise,
and never grows old.
For love such as this,
i am willing to pay any price.

I find that people nowadays are in love with the idea of love, the portrait it would paint, or the benefits. More people want a spouse or a patner just to please society or to show off , brag about how perfect and happy they are on social media, and my personal worst, a sort of justification for sex. when I think about the times of our fathers, i get so nostalgic. They did not have internet , or social media, they did not have the luxury of dating (at least not all of them) , but I would say that they have the most successful relationships. Because to them LOVE is based on spirituality, sacrifices, respect. I remember when my father only had one car, it was a black mercedez benz (not really sure the model now i was quite young lol) but the point is... my mum was still a student of UNILAG(University of Lagos, Nigeria) back then, my father gave up the only car he had for my mum to drive to school and around town while he used the public transportation system which is hell by the way.Now i know many people would say that was his duty and i agree but let me point out that it was also a choice, and he chose to be selfless, he chose to sacrifice, and do right by his woman. I don't know a lot  of guys that will do that today.People claim to be in love for years, but when its time to put in the work, to make those sacrifices, it is a different story. It is very contestable though but I welcome the challenge.. Listen, I  am sure there are some real ones out there and I am glad for them, I Pray we all have that but all i am saying is.. if everyone was as happy and floating in love as they implied on instagram and face book, then there would be no divorce or break-ups will there?

Thanks for reading, i would love to hear your thoughts , comments, additions or subtractions, personal experiences anything at all..
 With all my love,


  1. Woooooooow i want to start my own such a perfect one

  2. This is just a brilliant masterpiece...can't bliv what my mind just felt from what my eyes just read

  3. Wow!!! This is absolutely stunning, am literally short of words. Keep up the good work

    1. I appreciate you sister ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพthanks

  4. U sound like one of those wise people we read about.Keep up the Good work darling.

  5. U sound like one of those wise people we read about.Keep up the Good work darling.

  6. You're so deep Pamela Patricks....

  7. Wow sweet observation sis! I love the poem as well as the writing. Thank you for being you, keep this up.

  8. Wow sweet observation sis! I love the poem as well as the writing. Thank you for being you, keep this up.

  9. Amazing piece right here. I'm touched by this.
