Sunday, January 24, 2016



My judgement is worthless,
suddenly I don't make sense 
just because I have breasts,
I am more than just your mother,sister;

I am your Seed,
much like you
I have a heart and feelings.
alone and in need,
in my fragile little state,
 longing to be loved 
From whose groins 
I was made.
Yet he sells me off,
to a man I know nothing of
for a few bottles of wine and kola nuts.
he makes me feel useless
because i don't  have a penis 
I have so much to offer,
if only you would listen
 for a minute or two
and let me prove to you,
that i am more 
than your daughter,your sister or wife..

I am your partner,
I am more than a tool 
for child birth and sex
i am more than your cook,
lover,maid or mistress;

In the face of all the chaos,
I am your calm.
I am your friend,
with a helping hand
always ready to be lent.
but you think so little of me,
I am so sick of being abused,
mistreated, undervalued.
Give me a chance to prove ,
that I am more
 than one of your toys or property,

I am a jewelry,
I beautify my nation,
I bleed for humanity,
I am not your liability,
or your problem,
on the contrary,
I am the solution.

I represent a breed of wisdom,
and I demand my freedom.
for I have served..
with my body, will power, devotion,

I am a warrior
my existence is a constant struggle.
to be loved, respected, accepted..
I am more than a cross ,or a burden,
I am not your failed project,

I am an asset,
I am the crown on your head,
I am purity, I am majesty
the change you require
the happiness you desire...
I am much more than 
your lover, sister,wife, daughter, mother, 
I am more than just human,
I am a WOMAN.

    Dear boys, guys, males, gentle men... do not be offended but I have decided to speak up for my ladies. Many women are indeed breaking ground now, pursuing their careers and making names for themselves and one would think that sexism is a thing of the past but there are still men out there that expect their women to stay at home and slave for them, fathers out there pimping out their daughters for ''bride price''( I  must confess,I am of Igbo origin  and  till this very day, I still don't understand the concept of bride price but far be it from me  to question over a century worth of customs and traditions...) .Some Men are so quick to judge women, tag them, as a matter of fact there so many terms used to reference women now that I am beginning to lose count..(e.g hoe, tramp, slut, bitch, thot... etc etc) Everyday women are being abused, violated, disrespected and it doesn't seem to matter. I have heard of a case where a girl's rape was reported and someone opened his mouth to say she wanted it, that somehow being raped was her fault, she led him on. In all my life I have never heard such chauvinistic nonsense.Don't even get me started on the trials women face in their places of work, trying to reach the peak of their careers, or even at school, just to pass their courses. The whole thing now has women turning against each other,which begs to answer this  question ; ladies please tell me  why the other woman is blamed when a man has an affair? A man makes a conscious decision to have an affair, yet somehow he has no share in the blame while the women are beat up or even killed. What is worse is that the women are now starting to refer to themselves as those terms. Countless times I have heard women say '' I  am a bad bitch"  or ''hey bitch what's up?'' I don't care what context it is used, it is unacceptable. How do you call yourself  a bitch or slut, and blame a man for treating you as such? Lets get real. Back to you boys, I am going to let  you in on a little secret, A good woman will open so much  doors for you if you treat her right, keep her happy,I can't even begin to explain just refer to proverbs 18;22 , proverbs 31. If you were good, a good woman will make you better and similarly, an act of wickedness , injustice or evil to a good woman can hinder your success in ways you can't imagine..(you're welcome). At the end of the day, all I am trying to say is ladies, respect and value yourselves, know your worth and Men, do well to remember that you are the head, but only the head in your home not in the office, not in the classroom just at home! And even then its no master/slave situation. The bible says that men are to love their wives as Christ loved the church and I wonder where we would be today if Christ treated us(the church ) the way a lot of men treat their wives at home...
Thanks for reading this, please leave a comment below , lets hear your thoughts, agreements or arguments and also, if  enjoyed this, DO subscribe .. have a blessed week.

 with all my love,


  1. I really don't need to read motivational books anymore.Purple notes blog spot is my best motivation. Well done Pam.

  2. All i can say is that , its not easy to be a Woman * Full Stop *
