Saturday, January 16, 2016



i lay awake dreaming
of a different time,
where the only force driving men,
will be passion and deep desire ,
 for genuine happiness...

a world where wealth 
is not defined by  the class you fly,
but the simple things ,
that money cant buy.

awake dreaming is how i lay,
hopeful that one day,
our priorities,
wont be so misplaced...


   I felt i should share this article with you because our generation now , is going in a direction that is so wrong... Everybody wants to live the life that the media shoves down our throat,( and  they are pretty relentless aren't they?) . Young people just want to be rich and they would do just about anything to that end. I have nothing against determination, and hard work,  but i assure you if we run a survey to discover what drives people, what is behind the hustle these days you would be shocked to discover the degree of misconception. 
  For the past few weeks, I took a personal trip to a couple of countries around Europe ( all by myself if I might add)  because i was curious .. i wanted to learn more about people, cultures, history and i did.(i will talk more on that later on the blog)
    Anyway, I visited a dear friend in Poland and lived there for a short period of  5 days. I had expected to see a big city , big house and fleet of cars, and i say this because this friend of mine is the most cheerful ,happy, easy going person and i just thought that of course she is happy, she has money, her family is rich, what could she be sad about, she takes trips to anywhere she feels like, at anytime she feels...(boy was i mistaken?)

This girl, lived with her parents in a lovely little farm house  in a little village just by the mountains... They got all the food they ate, from the juice, to the eggs, to the bacon and sausages and vegetables, from their farm. and every morning a baker from next door would deliver bread,.. and they really did not lack anything , i can promise you. They reared their own poultry,pigs, everything and all they ate was organic ( which is even more healthy i must say).  I realized that in their own little, organic world, they were happy. they didn't need all the money in the world, they did not drive the flashiest cars, they got where they wanted to go, they had food on the table, and smiles on their faces and each time we gathered to eat, just the warmth and laughter and love in that little gathering was overwhelming. So I just began to ask my self , what is all the hustle really about?, you make enough money to buy a benz, and  the next day you start looking for a range.. the cycle is exhausting and unending...

 This wonderful epiphany i had , i thought i must share it with you guys because life is really short.. too short to be constantly living a hustle. Wanting someone's life just because it looks good in pictures.. its just an illusion. Define your happiness by the little things that matter guys...if you are healthy and comfortable, have a family or just someone  you love, that is Happiness... Bask in it.. enjoy it while it is there... don't loose real gold while chasing sparkling metals ..

 Please live a comment, share your thoughts,suggestions, i will be delighted to hear from you, share any experiences with you .. 

with all my love ,


  1. Wonderful write up , i was actually asking myself this a yesterday... Money doesn't bring happiness , u find that poor people hardly commit suicide .

  2. "don't loose real gold while chasing sparkling metals .."
    This is must read. Our generation needs a lot of repositioning of mindset on "making it"

  3. So true.This is an eye opening write up.So much wisdom in every line. Welldone Pam

  4. Wisdom in every line.well written Pam

  5. Wisdom in every line.well written Pam

  6. is the conclusion of the matter: fear God & keep his commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind

  7. Money do and do not bring happiness LOL.

  8. I think the problem is, some people have forgotten that the word 'success' doesn't just mean material wealth. It's not a bad thing to aim for success and to be the best at whatever you put your mind to (have a happy home, get the best grades in school, be great at your job etc). Also, it seems that nowadays people define their success by comparing themselves to others. Rather than trying to better themselves they would rather work on being better than their friends, enemies or frenemies.

  9. The truth is that happiness is free and its a choice that we all can be! It shouldn't always be a function of what we have and do not have! Thank you for this awe inspiring jaw-dropping article!
