Sunday, January 31, 2016



The world ;
 tried to shake me,
and make me who i am not,
they tried to steal my identity,
and by my own strength,
I fought and I lost.

They  defined me ,
with  petty words
                                                              told me who they thought I was,
and who I should be
and I succumbed 
to their will
A king,
bent to my knees,
while life adjourned, not withstanding 

They stripped me ,
with eyes,like sharp edged glass
every glance,
piercing through my very covering...

They took my faith,
and turned it to uncertainty
and when the wind came
I found my self swaying
from side to side,
with no sense of direction
trying to fit in,
where I  clearly didn't belong
when the storm did come,
I had no place to hide..
because like the titanic,
I let the words in,
inevitably i did sink.

I stumbled and fell,
a million times over,
with every cell 
of my being, 
starting to give in...

Deeply rooted,
but  my branches and leaves,
while swaying to the rhythm of the winds,
stayed in doubt , of things unseen..
Till He showed me peace ,
with Every spoken word,
every chapter, every verse ,
pulled me deeper and deeper,
nourishing my very essence ... 

Soul, body and mind,
all surrendered,
to One so kind ,
in whom i'm delivered.

Deeply rooted,
in my Fortress,
in whose presence,
I find my purpose...

Ever grateful ,
for roots so deep,
turning everything shameful,
to beauty, unthinkable, 
divinely nourished and evergreen..

  Ever seen a plant without roots? It cannot stand, therefore can't be nourished and consequently, it withers and dies.
  You have the privilege of  choosing your roots,and  designing your own foundation. Whether you build on sinking sand or on the solid rock, is a choice only you can make.If a house standing perfectly just one day falls to the ground , i am no architect but i am pretty sure the foundation is not right,like wise If your life is not going in the direction you may have envisioned it i am pretty sure that you need to re evaluate your roots Because if you are not deeply rooted in something, if your house is not well founded on solid rock , the wind will come, and the storm will follow, and people won't help you then I can promise you that. Where better to be rooted than in something supreme and everlasting?

with all my love,

Sunday, January 24, 2016



My judgement is worthless,
suddenly I don't make sense 
just because I have breasts,
I am more than just your mother,sister;

I am your Seed,
much like you
I have a heart and feelings.
alone and in need,
in my fragile little state,
 longing to be loved 
From whose groins 
I was made.
Yet he sells me off,
to a man I know nothing of
for a few bottles of wine and kola nuts.
he makes me feel useless
because i don't  have a penis 
I have so much to offer,
if only you would listen
 for a minute or two
and let me prove to you,
that i am more 
than your daughter,your sister or wife..

I am your partner,
I am more than a tool 
for child birth and sex
i am more than your cook,
lover,maid or mistress;

In the face of all the chaos,
I am your calm.
I am your friend,
with a helping hand
always ready to be lent.
but you think so little of me,
I am so sick of being abused,
mistreated, undervalued.
Give me a chance to prove ,
that I am more
 than one of your toys or property,

I am a jewelry,
I beautify my nation,
I bleed for humanity,
I am not your liability,
or your problem,
on the contrary,
I am the solution.

I represent a breed of wisdom,
and I demand my freedom.
for I have served..
with my body, will power, devotion,

I am a warrior
my existence is a constant struggle.
to be loved, respected, accepted..
I am more than a cross ,or a burden,
I am not your failed project,

I am an asset,
I am the crown on your head,
I am purity, I am majesty
the change you require
the happiness you desire...
I am much more than 
your lover, sister,wife, daughter, mother, 
I am more than just human,
I am a WOMAN.

    Dear boys, guys, males, gentle men... do not be offended but I have decided to speak up for my ladies. Many women are indeed breaking ground now, pursuing their careers and making names for themselves and one would think that sexism is a thing of the past but there are still men out there that expect their women to stay at home and slave for them, fathers out there pimping out their daughters for ''bride price''( I  must confess,I am of Igbo origin  and  till this very day, I still don't understand the concept of bride price but far be it from me  to question over a century worth of customs and traditions...) .Some Men are so quick to judge women, tag them, as a matter of fact there so many terms used to reference women now that I am beginning to lose count..(e.g hoe, tramp, slut, bitch, thot... etc etc) Everyday women are being abused, violated, disrespected and it doesn't seem to matter. I have heard of a case where a girl's rape was reported and someone opened his mouth to say she wanted it, that somehow being raped was her fault, she led him on. In all my life I have never heard such chauvinistic nonsense.Don't even get me started on the trials women face in their places of work, trying to reach the peak of their careers, or even at school, just to pass their courses. The whole thing now has women turning against each other,which begs to answer this  question ; ladies please tell me  why the other woman is blamed when a man has an affair? A man makes a conscious decision to have an affair, yet somehow he has no share in the blame while the women are beat up or even killed. What is worse is that the women are now starting to refer to themselves as those terms. Countless times I have heard women say '' I  am a bad bitch"  or ''hey bitch what's up?'' I don't care what context it is used, it is unacceptable. How do you call yourself  a bitch or slut, and blame a man for treating you as such? Lets get real. Back to you boys, I am going to let  you in on a little secret, A good woman will open so much  doors for you if you treat her right, keep her happy,I can't even begin to explain just refer to proverbs 18;22 , proverbs 31. If you were good, a good woman will make you better and similarly, an act of wickedness , injustice or evil to a good woman can hinder your success in ways you can't imagine..(you're welcome). At the end of the day, all I am trying to say is ladies, respect and value yourselves, know your worth and Men, do well to remember that you are the head, but only the head in your home not in the office, not in the classroom just at home! And even then its no master/slave situation. The bible says that men are to love their wives as Christ loved the church and I wonder where we would be today if Christ treated us(the church ) the way a lot of men treat their wives at home...
Thanks for reading this, please leave a comment below , lets hear your thoughts, agreements or arguments and also, if  enjoyed this, DO subscribe .. have a blessed week.

 with all my love,

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

old school love

Old school love

I crave love, of a certain kind
ancient and true
unfathomable by the human mind
unlike anything we are used to...

A love so immaculate
still in black and white
so hard to infiltrate
with the darkening colors of today's light.

I desire a feeling
in its crudest form
where there is nothing worth concealing
and mutual respect is a norm.

Love likened to the time of our fathers,
legal and bold...
where i would know how much i matter,
without being told.

Love of the responsible kind
not the trash the media preaches...
founded on irrelevance but attractive to the eyes
turning young queens , into bad bitches.

What we call love in this time,
is anything but...
unjustly abused and refined...
claiming everything its not.

I don't want to have to hide
behind the shadows of evolution..
I want a love that is mine 
to have without any conditions.

Give me that old school love
unsaturated , concentrated...
virgin and pure...
unclothed ..not ashamed to be naked.

I need a love so timeless,
existing over generations..
so pure and colorless
leaving the fountains
 wallowing in the self  degradation.

Love that is unafraid 
to worship every inch of my body,
from years into decades,
only its thought would leave me yearning...

I crave a love so bright, 
the sun would be jealous 
the kind that treats me with respect
sees me for who i am,
not just a cheap excuse for sex
as real as the lines on my palms.

Love that fears no sacrifice,
love that is Christ in the soul
ever ready to compromise,
and never grows old.
For love such as this,
i am willing to pay any price.

I find that people nowadays are in love with the idea of love, the portrait it would paint, or the benefits. More people want a spouse or a patner just to please society or to show off , brag about how perfect and happy they are on social media, and my personal worst, a sort of justification for sex. when I think about the times of our fathers, i get so nostalgic. They did not have internet , or social media, they did not have the luxury of dating (at least not all of them) , but I would say that they have the most successful relationships. Because to them LOVE is based on spirituality, sacrifices, respect. I remember when my father only had one car, it was a black mercedez benz (not really sure the model now i was quite young lol) but the point is... my mum was still a student of UNILAG(University of Lagos, Nigeria) back then, my father gave up the only car he had for my mum to drive to school and around town while he used the public transportation system which is hell by the way.Now i know many people would say that was his duty and i agree but let me point out that it was also a choice, and he chose to be selfless, he chose to sacrifice, and do right by his woman. I don't know a lot  of guys that will do that today.People claim to be in love for years, but when its time to put in the work, to make those sacrifices, it is a different story. It is very contestable though but I welcome the challenge.. Listen, I  am sure there are some real ones out there and I am glad for them, I Pray we all have that but all i am saying is.. if everyone was as happy and floating in love as they implied on instagram and face book, then there would be no divorce or break-ups will there?

Thanks for reading, i would love to hear your thoughts , comments, additions or subtractions, personal experiences anything at all..
 With all my love,

Saturday, January 16, 2016



i lay awake dreaming
of a different time,
where the only force driving men,
will be passion and deep desire ,
 for genuine happiness...

a world where wealth 
is not defined by  the class you fly,
but the simple things ,
that money cant buy.

awake dreaming is how i lay,
hopeful that one day,
our priorities,
wont be so misplaced...


   I felt i should share this article with you because our generation now , is going in a direction that is so wrong... Everybody wants to live the life that the media shoves down our throat,( and  they are pretty relentless aren't they?) . Young people just want to be rich and they would do just about anything to that end. I have nothing against determination, and hard work,  but i assure you if we run a survey to discover what drives people, what is behind the hustle these days you would be shocked to discover the degree of misconception. 
  For the past few weeks, I took a personal trip to a couple of countries around Europe ( all by myself if I might add)  because i was curious .. i wanted to learn more about people, cultures, history and i did.(i will talk more on that later on the blog)
    Anyway, I visited a dear friend in Poland and lived there for a short period of  5 days. I had expected to see a big city , big house and fleet of cars, and i say this because this friend of mine is the most cheerful ,happy, easy going person and i just thought that of course she is happy, she has money, her family is rich, what could she be sad about, she takes trips to anywhere she feels like, at anytime she feels...(boy was i mistaken?)

This girl, lived with her parents in a lovely little farm house  in a little village just by the mountains... They got all the food they ate, from the juice, to the eggs, to the bacon and sausages and vegetables, from their farm. and every morning a baker from next door would deliver bread,.. and they really did not lack anything , i can promise you. They reared their own poultry,pigs, everything and all they ate was organic ( which is even more healthy i must say).  I realized that in their own little, organic world, they were happy. they didn't need all the money in the world, they did not drive the flashiest cars, they got where they wanted to go, they had food on the table, and smiles on their faces and each time we gathered to eat, just the warmth and laughter and love in that little gathering was overwhelming. So I just began to ask my self , what is all the hustle really about?, you make enough money to buy a benz, and  the next day you start looking for a range.. the cycle is exhausting and unending...

 This wonderful epiphany i had , i thought i must share it with you guys because life is really short.. too short to be constantly living a hustle. Wanting someone's life just because it looks good in pictures.. its just an illusion. Define your happiness by the little things that matter guys...if you are healthy and comfortable, have a family or just someone  you love, that is Happiness... Bask in it.. enjoy it while it is there... don't loose real gold while chasing sparkling metals ..

 Please live a comment, share your thoughts,suggestions, i will be delighted to hear from you, share any experiences with you .. 

with all my love ,

Friday, January 15, 2016


                                   SOMEBODY LIED.                         

Sometime, somehow,
someone spat out,
bitterness in words,
and it really hurt.
Over, and over
cutting deeper,
than mere flesh.
It might have been a joke,
or a result of mixed emotions,
but there were repercussions.
breaking out into a chain
 of uncontrollable reactions.

Lies upon lies,
stacked up in piles,
you are good for nothing,
you are a looser,
you can never make it,
you are just like your father...

Somebody lied ,
and you believed,
giving them power,
to end your life
while you still live.

Somebody called you worthless,
and you gave up the fight,
stopped believing in your talent ,
forgetting Him,
who watched over you,
and never slept.
forgetting Him, in whose image
you were created.

Somebody foolishly spoke,
without any atom of  knowledge
of the effects,
that their bitterness would evoke,
a ripple of events,
one crashing into another,
and because of one lie,
hope died.

You need to know,
how far your words could go.
So when next you speak ,
let it bring forth truth,
and truth at its peak.
render someone the empowerment,
that you seek.

Don't lie to another,
because of the lies you were told,
find strength and reach deeper,
for there is someone up there,
whose hands holds,
the greatest truth,
and on him alone
you can always depend
for all the truth you need,
to do yourself that greatest kindness,
of letting go...

Let go of the lies,
and judgement,
and what more?
You must forgive.
Take back your life,
from the scorching tracks
of depression and resentment,
Choose the truth and choose to live,
for that in itself,
is the greatest revenge.

Somebody lied,
said you are not beautiful
but I take  one glance at you,
and I see the crudest of truths.
I see the beauty in your eyes,
and the scars, left behind,
by piercing , hurtful words
unworthy of being heard.

you must understand ,
that they only speak
out of their own ignorance.
The lies they tell,
speaks less of you,
and volumes ,
 of the hell
they have to live,
behind closed doors .
in their cold and lonely worlds,
nursing their open sores.

So when next somebody lies,
look at them,
flash a smile;
because who you are,
is everything they are not.
what you got,
is what they want,
Don't blame them,
its not their fault.

People's words, thoughts and opinions shouldn't define you. I have lived in that web for the longest time , a prisoner to my own fear, of what people would say or how they would laugh at me or my ideas... but i have come to learn that those who laugh and say those nasty things only do it because they  also are  scared and too weak to pursue what they want, they take the easier route, which is to not move and they want company. It doesn't matter how well they know you, it could be your best friend , teacher, sibling , hell even your own mother or father ... it really doesn't matter. In your own personal journey to success all you really need is YOU!

please like, join the circle, leave a comment ,and you can even send me a personal message if you want to discretely share something. i would love to hear from you..

with all my love,

Thursday, January 14, 2016


I love to watch the rain drops
falling in dynamic pattern,
marching down in continuous   motion.
Like a powerful army, forming little oceans
I love that they fall so evenly on us all
washing each and every one ,
reaching the deepest of  places that need to be touched.

standing right beneath ,
as my garments stick to my skin,
with no choice of my own,
I feel the water from my head,
to my toes flow.
whilst I learn,
that somethings are  beyond my control
and the rain,is one of them.
I love the scent,
and all that is represents.
Looking down , at the rivers below,
flowing away ,
away with all my worries and pain.

I love the rain,
and the hope that it brings
hope arising , with each tug of the wind 

I don't know 
what is more joyful to a pluviophile ;
the fact that rain comes that things may grow ,
or just watching the transition in the sky.

I love the rain,
my love , well earned ,
be it a promise or a threat,
on its fall i can depend.
and every start with an unexpected end.

what is more exciting ,
than the angry shout of thunder?
awakening alike,
 both child and mother,
and the lightening,
peeping through shut doors and window curtains .

what is more hopeful?
for the withered  flowers and naked trees,
than the showers of spring,
promises of  seeds and  leaves.

what could be better,
than the life of a pluviophile
living  with  no suprise , 
accepting every threat of storm,
sensing its arrival,
no matter its disguise.
Just knowing in your heart,
what is to come;
the pleasure of green pasture,
the petrichor,
 of fertile land,
the joy of harvest,
all bundled in a simple privilege,
to just be young, 
get wet, and  run
as though, 
the harmless droplets were toxic.
then try to create warmth,
every attempt with a different tactic.

There is so much more to the rain,
than just water,
dripping idly from the sky
so much more than just condensed vapor.
For In a time of hunger and thirst
we look to the sky,
hopeful for rain to wash away the curse.

Along with the rain,
comes rainbows.
at the end of which lies,
the pot of gold.
then there is that unadulterated beauty
that overtakes the sky,
as the the last drops flow,
along with the trash the streets hold,
and the foot marks on the sand .
leaving all things new,
all slates clean.'
helping us let go of sins,
flowing in the little rivers,
swimming through the gutters.
and as the sun finds its way back,
we find courage to follow new paths.

So while you see a storm,
I see an opportunity,
to appreciate  the fresh scent of roses
and give thanks for each door that closes.
Some may think me naive,
to choose sight in this light,
but its what i believe,
and that's how it works,
in my own little universe,
the peculiar style, 
of a pluviophile.

hey guys,

Through this little piece , I hope to remind someone , that storms WILL come and they will go, as sure as there is a sky, the sun will always shine. so enjoy the beauty in the process, get wet, play and learn. because the lessons you learn along the way are priceless.

I would love to hear from you, read your reviews, comments, answer questions,share your experiences.

 With all my love,

Wednesday, January 13, 2016


Hey guys, 

       If you are reading this right now , chances are that you have found something really amazing that you most likely did not know you were missing lol. I am just going to give a brief intro of my self and what this blog is all about and the rest , we will learn as time goes on.
    I am Pamela , 21 years old , an aspiring medical doctor and poet (i know i cant explain it either ) . Moving on, this blog is something i have wanted to do for the longest time but I was kind of a chicken. I was scared of the judgement, criticism ,and pretty much everything that comes with, well... life . That was in the past though, because somethings need to be said and somethings need to be heard and well, i have picked up my pen.
 Purple notes is just my own little way of reaching out to young people out there who have lost their Purpose , Passion, Priorities, Principles ... ( LOL i love the letter P)''How do you plan on doing that Pamela ?'' some might wonder , well I m glad you asked.
 I hope to broaden minds, get us to ask ourselves those questions that we all know are there but are to scared to ask , perhaps because we are afraid of the answers or  afraid of the change the truth might hold.Through the art of poetry, word play, or simply just sharing my stories I hope I can help someone find that courage to ask. 
I will be more than happy to read your feedbacks, thoughts ,answer any questions, or share any similar experiences... 

With all my love,