Monday, September 26, 2016


He hit me back then,
Day after day,
I could not cry,
I could not shout,
I could not tell anyone,
What it was about.
I thought to myself,
maybe he didn’t mean to do it,
And hit after hit,
I ran out of excuses to give,
for the man i called Father.
And Just when I thought it was over,
It began again.

He got me a pretty dress,
another day, it was chocolate.
To buy my forgiveness,
Or maybe it was my silence,
It worked the first dozen times,
But after stealing my innocence,
My taste buds grew numb.

The only love I have  ever known,
Was at the end of a clenched fist.
Black eyes, swollen lips and broken ribs.
Raised voices and hateful words,
And i grew so fond of the hurt,
I wore the pain on my sleeves.
Till this very day.

I know he will hit me again tomorrow,
And the day after,
Then he ll give me more gifts,roses,
make worthless promises.
And I will flash a broken smile,
Through my lifeless eyes.

He will tell me he loves me,
And I will believe him,
Just like I did my father..
He will desire my body,
And I will lay there,let him take it..
then hit me again after.

A little foundation and concealer,
always does the trick.
covers up the bruises perfectly,
while I rot underneath..
no one can know about my pain,
that I die a little bit more each day.

I thought about leaving,
But where would I go?
A breathtaking collage of bruises and scars,
Who can fix this broken,wounded soul..
I tried many times to start over,
But this love is all I have ever known.

Hey guys,
It's so good to be back. I really missed my wonderfully supportive readers but also I've been a little busy trying to turn my lemons into lemonade if you know what I mean. If you have read the above poem you might wonder what kind of monsters would do these things? why is she so stupid? why won't she leave?
I promise you guys, these things are really going on and not only is it going on ,1 out of 10 females are victims of one form of abuse or the other. and some of them are girls close to you and you might not have any idea. From the above piece, I tried to show how often times,it begins with the child. Some men really have no business being fathers and they have scarred so many little girls to the point of no return, so much that the abuse has now become a norm for them. Please please and please, we need to start taking psychological and emotional health more seriously especially in Nigeria. The whole country is going up in flames right from its roots, the common man on the street is angry as hell, taking it out on the next and to the next till it becomes an unending cycle of rage and violence and jungle justice. people are hurting silently everyday, slowly dying , why can't we just admit we need help? Professional help ,not just a visit to your local pastor. Not to say that pastors are no good but some people have more damage than one counselling session with their pastors can reach.
Since I am no expert at spiritual affairs, Let me get back to my girls real quick, If you are being abused or know someone who is, please start by speaking to someone or advice them to do so. Seek help, no one can help you except you. Don't Suffer and die in silence.I promise you, there is better out there.So much better and all you have to do is take the first step, tell someone, it might be difficult but once you find that courage, there will be no going back. I Love you and I am rooting for you.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Melanin Strong...

She is mother earth,
she is the black girl,
crude beauty,
dripping melanin and honey

Spreading out in shades,
of dark chocolate,
to white gold,
to deep bronze with
caramel topping
and oh.. that glow
there is nothing
quite like it.
there is no one 
on this earth,
judged as much
as the black girl,
she's too fat, too thick
too short, too tall,
she's too loud, too weak
and oh.. the way she talks...
Damn it!.
Its just the way she talks..
just because its not your lingo,
or doesn't confine her in a box,
its doesn't fit in the status quo..
so what if she laughs out loud,
and is not afraid to speak her mind?
and when she stands out of the crowd,
you call it pride.
how can you like,
 what you cant control?

Beautiful black girl,
earth strong,
losing herself,
to skin toners,
plastic surgeries,
and hair relaxers,
all to fit in and  find beauty 
in herself again,
beauty that was always there,
but she was just too broken to see

She is melanin strong,
raising that child,
and working that job,
from nine to five,
pleasing that man,
and all with a smile,
the most radiant  of all.

What it takes,
to put that hair in place,
thick black nappy curly,
stubborn strands of beauty..
and those lips,
once an object of mockery,
now being bought,
paid for with hard money,
ain't that funny?

Ain't it funny ?
how the qualities,
of the black girl,
cost so much more 
than she who possesses them?
those breasts, those hips
that body,
thick and heavenly,
covered evenly,
in sparkly gold dust,
and every single inch
dripping melanin and honey..

Does it really matter her age?
be it 20,40, or 60
that beauty cant ever fade,
and every line on  that face,
tells a story,  a treasure,
you cant replace.

She is melanin strong,
mother earth,
the black girl,
she doesn't only look different,
she is different.
every lock of hair,
every inch of flesh,
every scar, or stretch mark,
is beauty and strength,
appreciate her or not,
she is enough.
she is melanin strong. 

Hey Darlings,
    I am writing this to show my allegiance to my sisters all over the world. I find that not only are we not appreciated by the world, we are not appreciated by one another. Every black woman is beautiful in her own distinct way, and I believe we need to  actually start believing it. The problem we have lies in letting the media decide and define what beauty is, and the standards there of, which are quite frankly impossible and unreal. They are succeeding in making us so uncomfortable in our own skin and our bodies that girls are paying so much money to buy the bodies that the media defines as real beauty. So what if your tummy is not flat enough, your complexion is not light enough, or your nose is not slim enough, your breasts are not peeping through the neck of your dresses, put a sock in it or get one of those super foamy bras and get on with it, your butt is not hitting things down when you are passing through a market place? SO WHAT? In a world of Kardashian's , Black chyna's,Amber rose's and Nicki minaj's ,we need the Oprah's, the Viola's, Maya angelou's, Clara brown's, Chimamanda's, Mo abudu's.. ( cant even keep count) point is, girls,stand up and be worth more than your figure, or physical attributes,Be better than the Instagram twerkers, and more importantly, appreciate one another, build each other up instead. Now there is a force that the world could use. Just imagine the grounds that could be broken...
To my black brothers, if you have a beautiful woman by your side , you are not appreciating her, you are not empowering her, you are not encouraging her, please I ask you.. what are you doing?


Wednesday, May 4, 2016


There are simply no words,
To explain how I feel
No words can express my hurt
Or make the pain less real.

I love to sit and stare,
As the sky turns blue.
Imagining how very rare,
It is to find such a fool.

The fool I had been at a time,
When I thought you really cared,
When I thought your heart was mine,
And I had conquered fear.

Words can never express,
How far i could have gone.
Fear of losing you made me restless,
And my foolishness was next to none.

I could walk a thousand miles,
Searching for the curse,
That made me fall for your lies:
So easily, you didn’t even have to force.

I can try to explain,
At Least give it a shot,
Loving you was a loss I can never regain,
The pain can never be put into words.

The pain might have been outrageous
But the relief is even more extreme
To have broken free from chains so hideous
I wonder how much worse it could have been.

Here I am at the end of the road,
Standing in the shadows.
Choosing to drop this heavy load,
Hoping for a pot of gold ,
at the end of this rainbow.

I have come to realize that,
You were no good for me.
I mean how could two work together
Except they agree?

You were like darkness,
illuminating my pain.
Killing every light I try to harness,
Stealing what could have been my gain.

I don't hate you,
In fact I wish you well.
But no words can make me the fool,
I became the moment i fell.

Hey guys,

 I know its been a minute ,and  I apologize.. been working on a lot of  stuff ..from time to time posts won't be as consistent as I would prefer  but purple notes is here to stay best believe that. 
   Anyway lets get to the post on ground now, NO WORDS .. again, I am not speaking to / about any one in particular. Its just something I wrote give or take , 2 years ago.. Everyone can relate to it , at least a majority of people. Some people claim to be too strong , or too tough, or impenetrable but I find that  LOVE always has a way of breaking down walls and bringing even the toughest of hearts to its very knees doesn't it? what I can say however is that, heart breaks are mostly inevitable. no matter how tough and calculated  a person might be, and it isn't always a sign of weakness. Some more than others actually learn from it, get out wiser and stronger, and others well, become enslaved  and fall prey to hunters from the past. Either ways, we can all relate to the piece. Purple notes wishes you all the best of luck in your marriages, and relationships... and to those who were once fools for love, cheers.. because once beaten , twice shy. when you find love again, you might not have the perfect  handout of what it should be like but at least you know what it shouldn't. some people have that lesson locked and loaded, and others prefer to learn it over and over.. either ways, again... purple notes wishes you good luck!  I am no expert at love, or relationships, but I know that happiness is around the corner, for every man who wishes it, and is willing to fight for it.



Sunday, April 10, 2016

''All you have to do is wake up...''

I would love
 to make you breakfast,
and let the aroma
 awaken you to my lips,
waiting hungrily,
to usher you into a new day.
To run you a bath,
rub your feet,
make you feel good ,
in every single way.
all you have to do is wake up,
and i will take it from there.

It must be nice ,

to fall asleep every night ,
knowing your heart is mine,
and when the sun,
barges in on us,
I'll be up and ready,
to be at your beck and call,
to catch you when you fall .
i'll be your body guard,
so you would have nothing to fear,
all you have to do is wake up
and i will take it from there...

I would love to watch you sleep,

for what greater  beauty
could i see?
to put my heart at such peace,
and when you wake up with a yawn,
and that pretty smile ,
that fills my heart with warmth,
it would all be worth while...
and those soft little snores,
like music to my ears...
all you have to do is wake up ,
and i will take it from there.

I'll drive you to work,

or anywhere you need to go.
Listen when you need to talk,
and tell you all you want to know,
i'll put a smile on your face,
at every chance i get,
and when you start to feel cold,
i'll offer you my shirt,
as long as you dream it,
i'll make it a reality.
all you have to do is wake up,
and i will take it from there.

i will do whatever you want,

i will be whoever you need,
and if you have been  hurt,,
please let me  help you heal..
if your heart's been broken ,
i will help you fix it
and whenever you smile,
i will be the reason.
through your every struggle in life,
i will be there, no matter the season.
just promise me you'll wake up..
and i swear i'll take it from there.

When you don't wanna talk,

i'll hold you in the quiet.
i'll tell when something is wrong
no matter how hard you try to hide it.
i'll love you body mind and soul
i'll make your happiness, my goal.
when you need a shoulder to cry,
i'll be happy to lend you mine.
i'll make you laugh when you're in tears
till the last tear dries up.
all you have to do is wake up,
and i'll take it from there.

Hey guys,

I consider  the above poem my master piece for more reasons than one. I thought about doing a review on it but i think i would leave that to the critics. A lot of guys feel like women are the most difficult to handle and in some ways they are But I will throw you guys a quick life line... (thank me later) .. All you really need to win a woman's heart is one thing. THE RIGHT WORDS. put them together and you would have the most loyal confidant at your side!(provided you handle your business like a man should).. So I admit there is no perfect man, well obviously sisters, we are not perfect either , but  wouldn't it be awesome if there was? I was thinking to my self ''if I had the perfect man , what would I want to hear him say to me?'' and that'show I wrote this. Even though i'm trying to hold on to my optimism and Positivity, I gotta throw in a little logic and reality to that mix. I've yet to meet a man that's ready to say these words in all honesty and be ready to fulfill them but hey, dreaming is free of charge abi?. maybe one day this dream will become a reality but till then, no one can take them away from me, I'll just keep dreaming big.Ladies, damsels, QUEENS, ]I dare you to dream ...You never know!

  Always  Remember, there might not be a perfect man, but there's a man that's perfect for you! Made specially to suit you.. I call mine  BOAZ,( you might remember that name from the book of Ruth.)
p.s- dear future bae, hubby, my boaz,.. your wedding vows should better sound a little something like this ..if not you will hear lol...

if you like this, share comment, subscribe! keep hitting my inbox guys, i appreciate each and everyone of you!

 with all my heart,

Wednesday, April 6, 2016



Passed hand to hand ,
the wishes, 
the dreams,
the hopes,
of an entire generation
an entire nation
sent to war,
a score,
of old men,
leading our boys
to die,
while we watched
in horror,
in pain
in grief,
the disbelief,
that we had to loose ,
so many of our boys,
their toys,
barely left behind,
their eyes,
so young,
so bright,
so full of hope
the fight
so long,
so sad,
the pain,
so bad,
the wounds
so deep,
until at last,
our young men sleep,
in their makers arms again
their names  carved,
in stone,
never to come home,
never to touch our tears
lest we forget
lest we grow old,
our hearts must never
 be so cold.
we must not run and hide
we must remember them
the boys who died...
let it not be in vain,
let us not forget,
the pain,
the cries,
the agonies,
the braveries,
the heroes,
and the smiles,
that time, 
so long ago,
across so many miles
caught in a place so bright
so green
caught in a place 
just between
hope and lies
we must remember still,
the promise that,
we always will,
touch our hearts
while still,
we can,
the boys who died,
who lived,
who cried
the boys who fought
in Nam.

hey guys,
I know this was a lengthy one but if you made it to the end congratulations! In this post i will be sharing a bit more about my self because i got a few requests! Moving on, i wish i could take the credit for that beautiful verse but naah.. i did not write that! Again..I DID NOT WRITE THAT! But it is however one of my favorite poems ever, I came across this poem in a novel i read years ago, "the cover page above" i lost that book, and i also lost my diary where i wrote this poem out (long story), but i never forgot it.. i searched forever for it on the internet and finally found it recently, sadly it was written by an  anonymous poet.. a father who had lost his child to war, and left to bury his  teenage son. He somehow found the perfect words to express every feeling he felt down to the last full stop and in all that grief managed to shine a ray of hope to all the other fathers going through the same thing and that's what poetry does!Gives a voice to even the deaf and dumb! So, I got some requests to share some more personal experiences and things about myself so here goes.. i'll try my best to answer all the questions i can as efficiently as possible.

 About my poetry, my gift , my blessing?. I think for the better part of two decades i've been in love with literature as a whole, in its various forms. I've written a hand full of short stories and a dozen more of poems, A lot of which i lost to stolen phones, torn up diaries, bad computers that needed flashing and what not.
The truth is people tend to pay little or no attention to poetry. We underestimate how powerful words are when properly constructed, and at a point i did too. At a point i thought of poetry as lame, i became too shy to profess my love for it, years passed by and loads of poems i wrote over the years were lost. Someone asked me to share my story and i thought why not?

I read my first book ''the sky is falling '' by Sidney Sheldon when i was in primary 5. I had no interest in it at the time but my sister made me read it because she wanted me to start working on  my vocabulary from a tender age, it took me forever to finish that book because it was really big with a very small font compared to what i was used to at that level. I read it anyway, and by the time i was done she gave me a couple more..and i kept reading.. by primary six , i had read a hand full then i had this little book where i write new words and their meanings, just like that i started making sentences with them and from those, i made verses which translated into poems. over time i joined various book clubs, and thus began my logolepsy. Someone also asked How do i do it? well , i would say its a bit of an aleatory situation because i find that i can't just sit anywhere and just write, its like a combination of factors coming together to create the perfect atmosphere and oddly, they come by quite often. My inspiration could be an experience i have had in the past, or that of someone close to me, a movie, a song, or just the perfect view, really its nature . Said sister also pushed me to open this blog, and at least share my gift with the world because frankly i kept dreaming of my poems being heard but i had no idea how to go about it, i just had pages and files of poems stacked up and rotting away.. so let me use this medium to thank my sis (u know urself boo).. cuz you really wouldn't be reading this if it weren't for her, and every single one of my siblings have been extremely supportive in my journey and it has only just begun. 
Over the years, I've been called a lot of names ranging from weird to crazy but i believe in poems,that's not gonna change. I am a kalon, poetry made me a kalon. Its my thing..i find that i am happiest with a pen, paper, and words..  as Jack kerouac said ''don't use the phone.People are never ready to answer it. Use poetry"
Kalon- a Beauty that is more than skin deep (n).

I hope you enjoyed reading this , be sure to subscribe, comment, and share


Sunday, March 20, 2016


Dear self,
We've come a long way
and i wish i could say
the worst is over.
if i told you that
then that would make me a liar.

What I can do however,
is act as a reminder,
at times when you forget,
that what you give,
is what you get,
nothing more nothing less.

Sometimes you will give love,
and get nothing in return,
that happens too...
it doesn't make you weak
doesn't mean you are a fool
it's just the world we live in.

Be careful of people,
they will come and go,
beware of foes,
but even more of friends,
no matter how little,
they affect you the most.

The moment they get you
and make you feel indebted,
that union has become infected.
Let them go,and pay what you owe.
for every lesson bad or good,
for each experience, be grateful.

Be careful how you place people
don't mistake a confidant for a constituent.
or a constituent for a comrade..
remember that there is very little,
be it marriage,friendship or career
you can achieve with no commitment.

When peace does not work,
be ready for war.
do yourself a great favor,
and take what is yours,
because no one cares,
if justice is truly served.

The most valuable lesson,
you will ever learn,
is to be the only person,
on whom you can depend
be selfish, be ruthless,
when it comes to your happiness.

Discover what you want,
and learn to ask for it,
if that fails,
go out and fight for it,
one of the greatest battles,
you will never regret fighting.

If you doubt all else,
believe this.
friends will hurt you,
lovers will lie,
you will try to be tough at first,
in the end, you will break down and cry.

You won't always have your way,
the road will get very bumpy,
you will be drenched in sweat and rain,
 life will bring you to your knees,
and some days,it would seem,
like you are your own worst enemy..

In time you will learn;
to let go of those who hurt you..
that man is not God..
that time heals all wounds
that there is no price on love.
and life sure as hell will go on.

To take each day as they come,
heart breaks aren't the end of the world,
treat people as you want to be treated
because sometimes,tables turn.
and most of all
true love will not return to you void.

Although there might be no such thing
 as fairy tales and fantasies aren't real,
true love is the only stability there is,
and other than the love of Christ,
 there is no love greater,
than the love of one's self.
Then you will learn,
that For every plan A.
You will need to make a B,
And for every B, a plan C
lest you forget,
there are 26 letters in the alphabet.

Dear self,
you are not who you used to be,
and that is the hardest part,
when you learn not to judge others or yourself
for the mistakes of yours or their  past,
then your lesson has become complete.

I want to talk to girls and guys alike today my self included. This poem is self explanatory and the title is exactly right, In fact it is exactly what i needed. Remind your self everyday if need be, that your happiness is yours to create, to define.  Don't apologize for who you are,  if there is room for change, by all means make changes... but not to please people. Change to be a better version of yourself. Here is a School of thought.. to ease the decisions for you, assume yourself to be opposite sex .. for instance.. if I Pamela , were to be a guy, would I want to spend the rest of my life with Pamela?..what i am trying to say is GUYS, WOULD YOU WANT TO SPEND THE REST OF YOUR LIFE WITH THE MALE/ FEMALE VERSION OF YOURSELF? if you can honestly answer that question then you can say what goes and what stays. I'll share a story, I once met this guy , who was so smart, knowledgeable, well informed, and guys his vocabulary was just crazy.I remember sneaking through my phone dictionary when we talked, and i would nod and smile and simply reply ''yeah you are right or I know exactly what you mean, or same here'',( lol as i did not want to fall my hand..) but his fear of being a disappointment  to his friends  or his family, and his guilt for what ever it is he did in the past kept him from great opportunities he could have had, he never thought he was good enough to have anything good and this affected his life in so many ways i cant even begin to explain. Thankfully he knows better now, and things started to change for him. All I am trying to say is... sometimes it is okay to remind yourself of your good qualities. Run very far from those people that only remember that 1 bad thing you did, and will hold it over your head forever, rather than remember the 99 you did right... ANYWAY , I don't want to preach a sermon today so... guys ..CHOOSE FORGIVENESS and be free and happy or carry the burden of guilt around for the rest of your life, its your choice,


Wednesday, March 2, 2016

The rib i came from.

Perfectly carved,
in a Godly fashion,
richly endowed with so much wisdom,
confidence, beauty..
exuding strength,
with so much ease.
But starved..
of love and affection.
 loneliness,His impending destruction.

Laid to rest at the potter's feet,
robbed of his sight
by a deep sleep.
I was taken from his sides.
Not from his head or from his feet,
but from his ribs,
because at his side ,
is where i was made to be
not above him or beneath.

Then in me the potter instilled,
part his joy, part his sorrows
the answers he would need,
for the questions of the morrow.
part his pleasure part his pain,
and when his pride would stand in his way,
part the humility to speak the words 
his pride wont let him say.
Part his sickness, part his health;
Part his weakness, part his strength
breaking him at moments,
when feelings need to be felt.
Part his laughter, part his tears,
the potter knew he would reach
and he wanted me  near.
Part his hunger, part his thirst
and to each other,we would always come first.
Part his suffering, part his rest,
Completing him as I would come to know best.
From his ribs, the potter carved me,
equipping us for a journey.
once more,
he instilled in me
some sort of knowingness,
That a time will come
that the need for words,will be less.
And when it comes,
I must hold his hand,
and through the silence, 
of a million words,
walk with him.
And all this I would come to glean,
in the fugitive time,
we would have together on this earth;
lives entwined, 
and bodies  distinct,
but originally designed,
to become one.
And even before our eyes saw,
our souls knew of the potter's plans
and when the time comes,
it will be an honor,
to find the rib i came from.
To stand at his side again, my pleasure.

  I am sorry for the late posts.. Let me start by saying, I see your comments and appreciate every last one and those who wait on purple note posts, I see your messages too and I will really try to be more  consistent.
 So this poem is really self explanatory, and it is dedicated to us single gals..(wink)  that are about to  or have already given up and just settled for being  a cohabitant or sex mate,side chick or whatever else perverted forms of relationships are being practiced these days,those being played, used, violated and abused both verbally and physically. Those of us that find ourselves just constantly in toxic relationships and somehow got it in our heads that its what we deserve.Sis,I have good news, there is someone better out there. Keep your legs shut, your dignity intact and your principles and values checked, wherever you threw your standards and self respect, sweetie, pick it up! 
  Many times people tell me, ''Pamela, the reason you are still single is your standards , they are too high.'' and to that I say , ''Let it be'' ! If refusing to be a side chick, or a friend with benefits or demanding to be treated with respect means remaining single, I will gladly remain so. Sometimes it might be tiresome, depressing, or even suicidal( lol) but it doesn't mean the sun will now stop rising from the east, and start rising from the north. My mom taught me a long time ago, to be enough for me. If you want cake for valentines, buy yourself the creamiest that money can buy. I know I did. If you want a candle light dinner, with  a 3-course-meal, then that is exactly what you should do. Wear a pretty dress, put on Some sexy shoes, and beat that face, take yourself to dinner and just slay baby girl! There is no law against that. I know guys that will read this and laugh and call it pathetic hehe and it may seem that way at first, bit it beats being someone's  booty call or punching bag. That guy is coming, and it might take a while but he will be worth the wait infact you can querry and harrass him for wasting your time(please don't do that, i did not send you oh!) and guys, same goes to you, She definitely will be worth the wait. While we are waiting for the rib we came from, y'all guys should be waiting for the one that left you. P.s guys its not okay to chop from mercy, clara, candy, beverly,bisi, joy, kemi, dora, bisi, titi , halima because you are waiting.. AH! and you know from day1 oh .. that they are not the one but just to keep body and soul together.. all I can say is.. your Judgement is great in Heaven! you can't chop all of them and now be looking for virgin mary, in what world does that happen? Its not a crime to be a single male!


With all my heart,

Sunday, February 14, 2016


     Hey there guys, I won't be posting any poems today but believe me,what i have is much more promising. So I  thought its about time I said something about how  nudity among women  is hitting the roof these days.  I switch on my TV and all i see is beautiful NAKED women. I dont care if its a commercial for  fruit juice or candy, or a new car brand , or a perfume , some kind of cosmetic like a lipstick or mascara, somewhere in it is a half naked  woman that even sometimes has nothing to do with whatever merchandise they are trying to advertise.  The worst part of it is in the music videos that are being released by the mainstream hip hop artists and if we are going to be real 80% of the time ,it is the women of color that are objectified .

Taking a close look at the picture on the left side of your screen, it depicts punishment of a slave by her owners on a ship back in the early 17th century. Taking a closer look we can observe the distinction between the dressing of the slaves behind and the masters. Slave women and men walked around naked, while the masters were fully clothed. In comparison to the present situation we are faced with, i find that the only difference is that the slave masters don't have whips anymore, but they still have every bit of control now , as they did back then. The influence the media has is remarkable, slowly but surely, sanity is going out of fashion. They parade nudity around like its nothing, and the young people are quickly picking it up, most especially the women, and what better way to sell it than through television. We young people buy everything they sell hook, line and sinker.. Little  by little , one after the other,pieces of fabrics are missing from outfits, opaque fabrics are replaced by transparent ones , and sooner than later items of clothing will become irrelevant all together. Now divert your attention to the second picture, cut out of a music video , now i am not familiar with this artists, or the song but i am very sure that these four naked women are completely irrelevant and unnecessary. The growing battle between cultural and commercial hip hop leaves us at a total loss. Our boys are trying to be gangstas , chase paper and get bitches, while our girls are trying to slay, and twerk, and inject their butts with whatever it is they are using these days.Notice how we are now having more baby mamas than wives? Ever wondered why that is? Lets come back home to our country, take a look at our own artists, they are dropping one single mother, per single these days... these are things that were clearly frowned upon, but now becoming socially accepted because the media has sensitized us. Besides, why is it always the women that are naked? when men are trying to display their sexiness , the most we see is chest. But girls... oh no! They dress the ladies in such a way that little or nothing is left to the imagination.. the more trends are evolving, the more naked ladies are becoming, while guys stay fully clothed. Statistics shows that out of the 600000-800000 cases of human trafficking in 2004, 80% were women, 50% of which were minors. 1 in 6 women  have been victims of completed or attempted rape. 10% of  violent crimes in 2003 involved battery and physical assault on women.9% of murder cases were women killed either by spouses or intimate partners. This shocking statistics in combination with the two pictures above speak volumes of  our present predicament . If ladies will start respecting their bodies a little bit more, and refuse to be victims of media mind control, then maybe we would be getting a little more respect than we are being given. 

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with all my love,

Sunday, January 31, 2016



The world ;
 tried to shake me,
and make me who i am not,
they tried to steal my identity,
and by my own strength,
I fought and I lost.

They  defined me ,
with  petty words
                                                              told me who they thought I was,
and who I should be
and I succumbed 
to their will
A king,
bent to my knees,
while life adjourned, not withstanding 

They stripped me ,
with eyes,like sharp edged glass
every glance,
piercing through my very covering...

They took my faith,
and turned it to uncertainty
and when the wind came
I found my self swaying
from side to side,
with no sense of direction
trying to fit in,
where I  clearly didn't belong
when the storm did come,
I had no place to hide..
because like the titanic,
I let the words in,
inevitably i did sink.

I stumbled and fell,
a million times over,
with every cell 
of my being, 
starting to give in...

Deeply rooted,
but  my branches and leaves,
while swaying to the rhythm of the winds,
stayed in doubt , of things unseen..
Till He showed me peace ,
with Every spoken word,
every chapter, every verse ,
pulled me deeper and deeper,
nourishing my very essence ... 

Soul, body and mind,
all surrendered,
to One so kind ,
in whom i'm delivered.

Deeply rooted,
in my Fortress,
in whose presence,
I find my purpose...

Ever grateful ,
for roots so deep,
turning everything shameful,
to beauty, unthinkable, 
divinely nourished and evergreen..

  Ever seen a plant without roots? It cannot stand, therefore can't be nourished and consequently, it withers and dies.
  You have the privilege of  choosing your roots,and  designing your own foundation. Whether you build on sinking sand or on the solid rock, is a choice only you can make.If a house standing perfectly just one day falls to the ground , i am no architect but i am pretty sure the foundation is not right,like wise If your life is not going in the direction you may have envisioned it i am pretty sure that you need to re evaluate your roots Because if you are not deeply rooted in something, if your house is not well founded on solid rock , the wind will come, and the storm will follow, and people won't help you then I can promise you that. Where better to be rooted than in something supreme and everlasting?

with all my love,