Wednesday, May 4, 2016


There are simply no words,
To explain how I feel
No words can express my hurt
Or make the pain less real.

I love to sit and stare,
As the sky turns blue.
Imagining how very rare,
It is to find such a fool.

The fool I had been at a time,
When I thought you really cared,
When I thought your heart was mine,
And I had conquered fear.

Words can never express,
How far i could have gone.
Fear of losing you made me restless,
And my foolishness was next to none.

I could walk a thousand miles,
Searching for the curse,
That made me fall for your lies:
So easily, you didn’t even have to force.

I can try to explain,
At Least give it a shot,
Loving you was a loss I can never regain,
The pain can never be put into words.

The pain might have been outrageous
But the relief is even more extreme
To have broken free from chains so hideous
I wonder how much worse it could have been.

Here I am at the end of the road,
Standing in the shadows.
Choosing to drop this heavy load,
Hoping for a pot of gold ,
at the end of this rainbow.

I have come to realize that,
You were no good for me.
I mean how could two work together
Except they agree?

You were like darkness,
illuminating my pain.
Killing every light I try to harness,
Stealing what could have been my gain.

I don't hate you,
In fact I wish you well.
But no words can make me the fool,
I became the moment i fell.

Hey guys,

 I know its been a minute ,and  I apologize.. been working on a lot of  stuff ..from time to time posts won't be as consistent as I would prefer  but purple notes is here to stay best believe that. 
   Anyway lets get to the post on ground now, NO WORDS .. again, I am not speaking to / about any one in particular. Its just something I wrote give or take , 2 years ago.. Everyone can relate to it , at least a majority of people. Some people claim to be too strong , or too tough, or impenetrable but I find that  LOVE always has a way of breaking down walls and bringing even the toughest of hearts to its very knees doesn't it? what I can say however is that, heart breaks are mostly inevitable. no matter how tough and calculated  a person might be, and it isn't always a sign of weakness. Some more than others actually learn from it, get out wiser and stronger, and others well, become enslaved  and fall prey to hunters from the past. Either ways, we can all relate to the piece. Purple notes wishes you all the best of luck in your marriages, and relationships... and to those who were once fools for love, cheers.. because once beaten , twice shy. when you find love again, you might not have the perfect  handout of what it should be like but at least you know what it shouldn't. some people have that lesson locked and loaded, and others prefer to learn it over and over.. either ways, again... purple notes wishes you good luck!  I am no expert at love, or relationships, but I know that happiness is around the corner, for every man who wishes it, and is willing to fight for it.



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