Sunday, March 20, 2016


Dear self,
We've come a long way
and i wish i could say
the worst is over.
if i told you that
then that would make me a liar.

What I can do however,
is act as a reminder,
at times when you forget,
that what you give,
is what you get,
nothing more nothing less.

Sometimes you will give love,
and get nothing in return,
that happens too...
it doesn't make you weak
doesn't mean you are a fool
it's just the world we live in.

Be careful of people,
they will come and go,
beware of foes,
but even more of friends,
no matter how little,
they affect you the most.

The moment they get you
and make you feel indebted,
that union has become infected.
Let them go,and pay what you owe.
for every lesson bad or good,
for each experience, be grateful.

Be careful how you place people
don't mistake a confidant for a constituent.
or a constituent for a comrade..
remember that there is very little,
be it marriage,friendship or career
you can achieve with no commitment.

When peace does not work,
be ready for war.
do yourself a great favor,
and take what is yours,
because no one cares,
if justice is truly served.

The most valuable lesson,
you will ever learn,
is to be the only person,
on whom you can depend
be selfish, be ruthless,
when it comes to your happiness.

Discover what you want,
and learn to ask for it,
if that fails,
go out and fight for it,
one of the greatest battles,
you will never regret fighting.

If you doubt all else,
believe this.
friends will hurt you,
lovers will lie,
you will try to be tough at first,
in the end, you will break down and cry.

You won't always have your way,
the road will get very bumpy,
you will be drenched in sweat and rain,
 life will bring you to your knees,
and some days,it would seem,
like you are your own worst enemy..

In time you will learn;
to let go of those who hurt you..
that man is not God..
that time heals all wounds
that there is no price on love.
and life sure as hell will go on.

To take each day as they come,
heart breaks aren't the end of the world,
treat people as you want to be treated
because sometimes,tables turn.
and most of all
true love will not return to you void.

Although there might be no such thing
 as fairy tales and fantasies aren't real,
true love is the only stability there is,
and other than the love of Christ,
 there is no love greater,
than the love of one's self.
Then you will learn,
that For every plan A.
You will need to make a B,
And for every B, a plan C
lest you forget,
there are 26 letters in the alphabet.

Dear self,
you are not who you used to be,
and that is the hardest part,
when you learn not to judge others or yourself
for the mistakes of yours or their  past,
then your lesson has become complete.

I want to talk to girls and guys alike today my self included. This poem is self explanatory and the title is exactly right, In fact it is exactly what i needed. Remind your self everyday if need be, that your happiness is yours to create, to define.  Don't apologize for who you are,  if there is room for change, by all means make changes... but not to please people. Change to be a better version of yourself. Here is a School of thought.. to ease the decisions for you, assume yourself to be opposite sex .. for instance.. if I Pamela , were to be a guy, would I want to spend the rest of my life with Pamela?..what i am trying to say is GUYS, WOULD YOU WANT TO SPEND THE REST OF YOUR LIFE WITH THE MALE/ FEMALE VERSION OF YOURSELF? if you can honestly answer that question then you can say what goes and what stays. I'll share a story, I once met this guy , who was so smart, knowledgeable, well informed, and guys his vocabulary was just crazy.I remember sneaking through my phone dictionary when we talked, and i would nod and smile and simply reply ''yeah you are right or I know exactly what you mean, or same here'',( lol as i did not want to fall my hand..) but his fear of being a disappointment  to his friends  or his family, and his guilt for what ever it is he did in the past kept him from great opportunities he could have had, he never thought he was good enough to have anything good and this affected his life in so many ways i cant even begin to explain. Thankfully he knows better now, and things started to change for him. All I am trying to say is... sometimes it is okay to remind yourself of your good qualities. Run very far from those people that only remember that 1 bad thing you did, and will hold it over your head forever, rather than remember the 99 you did right... ANYWAY , I don't want to preach a sermon today so... guys ..CHOOSE FORGIVENESS and be free and happy or carry the burden of guilt around for the rest of your life, its your choice,


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