Sunday, March 19, 2017

Here is a heart...

 I have  a heart
and it is all I have left
I cant control life,
or fight death,
I cant make love stay,
and I have lost friends ,
for reasons I cant explain,
good things come to an end,
I guess...

I tried to buy my way,
into happiness,
but it was no easy price to pay,
the journey was endless,
day after day,
There were moments,
when I thought I found her,
but as I stretched out my hands,
to reach her,
only for a brief moment,
she faded away,
and the heavy price I paid,
a waste again...

I thought to my self,
I am worthy,
I deserve this,
and indeed,
I can do it all,
be it all,
make you love me,
then I would be happy,
yet another fall,
waiting in my wake...

All I Had was my heart,
battered and bruised,
broken then glued,
beating faintly with a smile,
and all who knocked were let in
It was the only way I knew,
But I could never make them stay,
they took and took,
and I gave and gave,
But I lost anyway.

hanging on to my Heart,
my open broken heart,
drowning in blame,
but no one tried,
to see, to understand..
or Believe,
to Give me a chance,
They left,and never looked back..

I cant buy happiness,
or force friends,
but I can't shut these doors,
because then,
I'ld be left with darkness,
and a life without light,
is not worth living,
so i'll take the pain,
and keep on giving,
and if you want to come in,
I' ll let you,
If you wanna leave,
that's fine too.
None of that ,
can make me any less me.
If you choose to stay,
and look deep,
and see these stitches,
and tape,
holding my frail heart,
Even better...
here is a heart,
its all I've got,
its all I am giving..

Hey guys,
 I will try my best to keep my letter very brief today because the message of this poem is quite clear. So many people will hurt you in the course of your life time, people Who you expected much more from, they will let you down! over , and over and over again... I hate to be the bearer of bad news but the one thing you can always count on people to do, is let you down. Then there are those you try constantly to please, bend over backwards to make them stay, sacrifice everything only to find them walking out on you...My advice, LET THEM LEAVE! Friendship is not a hostage situation, don't let any one hold it over your head or make you feel like its a privilege to be in their presence.  I found that they always find a way back if they truly belong in your story.
  Now to my most important point. With everything you have, fight that urge to let the bad experiences define who you are, or much less your next relationships. Maintain that goodness in you, and do not shut your heart to the rest of the world. If you are  a lover keep loving and  If you are a giver keep giving even  if  sometimes you may get nothing back , move on, allow time to heal you. Do not hold on to the scars, and shut your heart and eyes to the light , and hopes of the future. Truth is, as bad as people are, there are some good ones out there. They may be very few but they are out there, those who will see you for who you are and be happy to walk with you, and share in your story...Having also learnt this lesson quite recently, I stand with you, Hopeful !


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