Monday, February 6, 2017


The girl i didn’t like…

I didn’t like that girl,
The one looking back back at me,
From behind  the mirror.
All I see is her faults,
Her mistakes…
Constantly misjudged,
Misunderstood, and insulted…
Always taken for granted
I saw her weakness,
And i hated her..

How people walked all over her,
In and out as they pleased..
What’s worse? She let them…
She got tired of being accused ,
And being guilted for what she didnt do
She went out and did them.
She never put up a fight
For what she believed in her heart was right
And the moment it got hard, she quit.
Never quite felt like she fit in,
Never quite knew her part.
She cried, more than she smiled,
Her hot tears burned holes through her heart.

The girl who traded her principles,
To be politically correct,
And Socially acceptable.
How i loathed her,
With every value she sold,
She sunk deeper,
Till she Breathed water.

A little sleep a little slumber,
Counting pennies by the tracks,
Watching helplessly,
As destinies depart,
Train after train,
she sat there,
Seeking company,
In anyone and anything,
Hungrily yearning to feel complete
Unwhole,empty, scourned,
Died a million deaths,
But never mourned.
Too blinded in her weakness
To find her might.
Too scared of loosing
to join in the fight.

Double minded,
Uncomfortable in her own skin,
Ready to settle,
For far too little.
I hated her so much,
Till i grew to love her,
I came to know that girl,
And came to the shocking realization,
That I was infact, that girl.

Hating her was the easy way out,
Blaming her saved me,
I never got to take responsibility,
Or Commit to my journey.
You see?,
I sat pretty,
Whilst concealing my reality
Focused on the end result,
Whilst neglecting the process
I trembled in the face of every challenge,
Scurrying back to my comfort zone.
Helpless and alone.
And now that i know better,
I am done hating her,
Infact, I am done being her.

You might have been wondering if it was a wrap, believe me , I wondered the same thing too. In the spirit of honesty, I would love to say I took that long break because I was busy, Life took a toll on me, Or any fantastic excuse I can cook up, but it really wasn't the case . You might notice that the post today is not very poetic, no oxymorons, or similes, or any figurative language. I aimed to be very lucid with this post, so that nothing gets lost in translation, but that doesn't make it any less of a poem,although slightly exaggerated for effect.For a moment there I had a full plate of school work, exams etc.. but for the most time, I was just being somewhat of a quitter.The truth is, I lost inspiration, for the longest time , I searched for the connection I once shared with my pen, with words, I lost it.
I lost inspiration because I never got the result I expected, the calculated end I anticipated, and what's worse , I was hurt by the rejection. People told me all sorts , directly and indirectly...''poems are lame..., in the light of recent evolution,poetry is uninteresting, why don't you do a gossip blog, fashion blog? ..., A sports blog will be great.., '' they voiced all sorts of unsolicited opinions that quite frankly gave me second thoughts, third , fourth, on and on till I was void of words, till my pen became a stranger to me..
I became the girl constantly throwing pity parties, bending my opinions to fit into what was expected of me. I Couldn't commit to anything, I ran with this diet till i didn't and then that fitness plan till i didn't, and then this chapter, that gym ... I soon couldn't complete anything i picked up,I became a quitter.
I am my truest in my words, my verses, my poems. A very special person taught me that if i could be that invested in what people who didn't believe in me or my gift thought of me and let it affect me in the manner that it did, i could not but imagine how far i could go if i alligned my self with the people who believed in me, even if its a single person. Not every one understands my craft or my art, that in itself makes it special as it is not for everyone.Said person also taught me that.
That being said, I am so sure I was not the only one going through this phase, so if u hated or still hate the girl or the boy in the mirror, this post is dedicated to you. it sounds very cliche , because every one talks about change but no one really tells us how to achieve it, or warns us against the dangers of not embracing it. For me, this very post, me writing and spilling my heart out here, is proof in itself. I am terrified but I Will weather it, and when next I take a look in the mirror, it will be a beautiful view. I do hope it is the same for you. Quick disclaimer, if your life is a perfect bed of roses, no flaws and all,please feel free to ignore this post. This is for the real people with real problems . Be blessed!